Things are not always what they seem, and the same goes for learning a language.
In Spanish it is common to come across words that are similar to English words but have different meanings. We call them 'false friends' because their meanings aren't necessarily what you'd expect at first glance. By learning these words, you can definitely improve your understanding of the language and express yourself more accurately.
In this article, you will discover 7 common false friends between English and Spanish that will help you improve the accuracy of your communication - or avoid saying something completely different by mistake. Grab a pencil and let's get started!

Common false friends between Spanish and English: words that look similar but aren't
Realizar vs. Realize
Realize means darse cuenta in Spanish, while realizar refers to carrying out or doing something. Although the two words seem similar, their meanings are very different.
Realize: I realized I forgot my keys → Me di cuenta de que olvidé mis llaves.
Realizar: Realizar un proyecto → To carry out a project.
Actualmente vs. Actually
Actualmente means currently in English, while Actually refers to en realidad. If you want to sound natural when speaking Spanish, remember this one.
Actualmente: Actualmente estoy aprendiendo español → I am currently learning Spanish.
Actually: Actually, I didn't see the movie yet → En realidad, no he visto la película aún.
Sensible vs. Sensible
Sensible in Spanish means sensitive in English, while Sensible in English translates as sensato/a. The words are identical in form, but their meanings are not.
Sensible: Es una persona sensible que entiende bien las emociones de los demás → She is a sensitive person who understands others' emotions well.
Sensible: It is more sensible to be cautious in this situation → Es más sensato ser cauteloso en esta situación.
Embarazada vs. Embarrassed
Embarazada means pregnant in English, while embarrased means avergonzado/a in Spanish. As you can see, the meanings of these two words have nothing to do with each other. It's best not to confuse them!
Embarazada: Estoy embarazada y espero un bebé para enero → I am pregnant and expecting a baby in January.
Embarrassed: I felt embarrassed when I tripped in front of everyone → Me sentí avergonzado cuando me caí frente a todos.
Pretender vs. Pretend
Pretender means to intend to do something in Spanish. If we want to say pretend in Spanish , we have to use the verb fingir.
Pretender: Pretendo mudarme de ciudad pronto así que ya estoy buscando piso. → I intend to move to another city soon so I am already looking for a flat.
Pretend: Cuando era niño fingía que estaba enfermo para no ir al colegio.→When I was a child I pretended to be sick to stay home from school.
Introducir vs. Introduce
Introducir means to insert or put in. The word for introduce in Spanish is presentar. Keep this in mind when you want to introduce a friend in Spanish!
Introducir: Voy a introducir la carta en el buzón. → I will put the letter in the letterbox.
Introduce: John, please introduce yourself to your classmates. → John preséntate a tus compañeros por favor.
Discutir vs. Discuss
While discuss means to talk about something, analyse, exchange opinions, discutir in Spanish can mean to argue. A word closer in meaning to discuss in Spanish would be conversar or hablar sobre.
Discutir: Clara y María discutieron porque había olvidado su cumpleaños. → Clara and Maria argued because she had forgotten her birthday.
Discuss: We have been discussing the possibility of moving to a different country. → Hemos estado hablando sobre la posibilidad de mudarnos a otro país.
Now that you know these false friends, you will be able to avoid some of the most common mistakes when speaking Spanish. Remember to check this list when in doubt and you'll improve your fluency!